Seasonal Shrub Trimming

Seasonal Shrub Trimming, Haymarket, VA Shrub trimming is one of those landscaping tasks that most people avoid doing. There are many reasons for it. Homeowners often lack the proper knowledge, or they are worried they may damage their plants. Most often, they neglect the plants and shrubs until they are overgrown and lose their beauty and colors. We at Thorpe Landscape Inc understand the different challenges our clients face. Our experienced team comprises tree care specialists. We know what exactly your plants and shrubs need and when.

We have been providing landscaping services since 1990 and cover homeowners, HOAs, and commercial clients throughout the Northern Virginia area. Our trimming services not only make your landscape look neat and beautiful, but also leave your shrubs and plants healthier for more vibrant growth.

Our Seasonal Trimming Services

There are shrubs, plants, and ornamental grasses that need to be trimmed only during specific times of the year. We provide seasonal trimming services for these plants in addition to our regular trimming services. The plants that are covered under our seasonal services include:

  • Crape Myrtles: They need trimming during early spring or late winter. Early spring is when they are right about to start budding.
  • Yucca Plants: They need pruning during early spring and only if required.
  • Rose Bushes: They need trimming during the spring.
  • Groundcover: They need trimming during the winter.
  • Ornamental Grasses: Most varieties of ornamental grasses need trimming only during the winter months.

Importance of Trimming Shrubs

When shrubs are left untrimmed, they can become overgrown. This causes the interior branches to stop getting nutrients and sunlight. Besides, the shrub will grow too big to support itself. This increases the chance of thinning out and decaying. This further results in a decline in flowering, thus affecting your landscape’s beauty.

Trimming helps prevent this and offers many benefits, including:

  • Healthier growth and retaining the natural shape of the shrubbery
  • Promotes new plant growth and new flowers
  • Makes the shrub stronger

All shrubs have their own perfect growing season and trimming technique. This is where our experienced shrub care specialists will help you with.

Experienced Crew of Certified Shrub Care Specialists

Our specialized shrub care experts have decades of experience. We offer a wide range of shrub trimming services including:

  • One-time
  • Bi-monthly
  • Monthly

We will recommend the trimming schedule based on the type of shrubbery growing in your landscape. Our customized estimate is created based on the following factors:

  • Number of beds and shrubs
  • Size of the planting beds
  • Types of services required

Our crew takes pride in the quality of care that we provide for our clients’ landscape. At Thorpe Landscape Inc, we service all types of landscapes including residential, commercial, and HOAs. We service clients throughout the Northern Virginia area.

Call in the Professionals

If you want to keep your landscape well-trimmed and healthy, give us a call today to fix an appointment. If you have any other landscaping requirements and want to discuss the details with us, call us right away at 703-926-6320. We can also be reached via this Online Form.